>Unlock the secrets to credit<
The secrets the banks don't want you to know.

How to maximize your credit score, increase your savings, and stay out of debt without working yourself to death...
  • Perfect Credit Formula: ($47) + Infinite Savings
  • ​Credit Savings Calculator: ($27) + Infinite Savings
  • Money Management Formula: ($87) + Infinite Savings

$161 VALUE!

(and beyond)

Here's a Letter From the Bank...

Dear Sucker Borrower,

     We are writing to let you know that you've been QUALIFIED for your bondage loan! We gave you an okay AMAZING rate that we think you will be excited about. We are very pleased to be stealing from working with you. Please don't look into the impacts see the details of your offer below: 

Payment: $350

Interest: 6.5%

Term: 15 Years

Don't be satisfied with JUST qualifying! There's several things you can do to be better off...

I think we have all received a letter like this once or twice. The problem is that very few of us are able to afford paying for large purchases in cash. And even if you are, its hard to justify those purchases when you could place that money in accounts that will EARN interest or dividends. Because of that, we, the consumers, are usually required to rely on the banks to lend us money to acquire things. So no matter what we do, we can't avoid the payment, we can't avoid the interest, and we can't avoid the terms that they set. But there are actually quite a few things we can do to mitigate our overall costs, generate residual growth, and pay off these pesky accounts in record speeds..... (more below)
This is what happens when you have a 1% difference...
Take back the power...
Take back control...
Use the banker's money to work for you!

This Course Pays for itself...

$100,000 in savings!

$2,500 in savings!

$1,000 in savings!

How long will this deal last?

Let me answer you with another question... If I took $10 out of your pocket every day for a year, would you be happy about that?
DON'T WORRY I'm not a banker... I am the one trying to put money BACK into your pocket. But let me be real with you, this course will probably always be going for $7 (or at least close to that) even though it is worth WAY more. What you need to come to terms with is the fact that you've probably already lost thousands of dollars that you will never get back and you are probably set to lose thousands more. The decisions you make today will have HUGE impacts for your future. I'm trying to help you keep those thousands in your pocket and even EARN a little extra on top...
I'm Telling You... DON'T HESITATE ON THIS!  

About Credit Codex

I am just a guy who had to struggle through the process and learning curves like everyone else. There came a time when my wife and I had to leverage our credit cards to make ends meet for an extended period of time. Luckily, both of us learned how to get a good credit score prior to this, so we had some decent credit lines. As time went on, we eventually had to keep balances on these cards so we had to learn creative ways of mitigating these interest charges. This led me to learning all of the ins and outs involved around credit cards or any other credit account like mortgages, auto loans, or personal loans. What’s nice is that credit laws favor the consumer. However, the banks and credit organizations take advantage of the fact that most consumers don’t know their rights. Learning how to get an excellent credit score, how credit scores work, and how to increase your credit score quickly took me months to master. I have developed a system and method that allows anyone to understand it easily and implement immediately to start that growth! My ultimate goal here was to create an educational course that teaches you everything you need to know about credit and I can happily say that I have done that. 
The Credit Codex
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